Papers & Presentations
This page contains links to documents on topics relating to SuperDARN data analysis.
On the Noise Estimation in Super Dual Auroral Radar Network Data (Ponomarenko et al., 2022)
FITACF 3.0 White Paper, (P. Ponomarenko, E. Bland & K. Kotyk, 2021)
Velocity field of view plots and convection maps produced using FITACF 3.0 before and after filtering the non-guassian noise (E. Bland & P. Ponomarenko, 2021)
Hardware and operational factors affecting the data pre-selection in FITACF (E. Bland & P. Ponomarenko, 2021) (may not display properly in browser - download recommended)
FITACF 2.5 vs 3.0: Effect on convection maps (A. Fogg, M. Lester & T. Yeoman, 2021)
Calibrating SuperDARN Interferometers Using Meteor Backscatter (Chisham, 2018)
Elevation angle determination for SuperDARN HF radar layouts (Shepherd, 2017)
Phase calibration of interferometer arrays at high‐frequency radars (Burrell et al., 2016)
Post-calibration of elevation angle data (Ponomarenko et al., 2015)
Detection of large phase offsets in SD interferometry (Ponomarenko, 2014)
Task 6: Optimization of fitting routines (5 out of 6 proposed modifications have been implemented in FITACF3.0)