Latest News
Our update for the 2024 SuperDARN Workshop for the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
Last week was the 10th anniversary of the Data Analysis Working Group, which was established on 31 May 2013 during the SuperDARN Workshop in Moose Jaw. Congratulations and thanks for keeping it going strong!
Category: general
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
We are pleased to announce that a new major release of the SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit is now available!
Category: RST
We welcome Adrian Grocott (Lancaster University) as the new scientific chair of the DAWG. He will co-chair the working group together with Kevin Sterne.
Category: general
Our latest update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
The Data Analysis Working Group meeting will be held on 2 June 2022 at 12:00 UTC.
Category: general
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
The new minor release of the Radar Software Toolkit, RST4.7, is now available.
Category: RST
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
In July 2021, the PI Executive Council provided a list of action items to work towards approving FitACF 3.0 as the default ACF fitting algorithm in the RST.
Category: fitacf3
The new minor release of the Radar Software Toolkit, RST4.6, is now available on Zenodo
Category: RST
It’s now possible to provide feedback on the DAWG quarterly reports directly on this website!
Category: general
The SuperDARN Executive Council has decided to create a new working group, the Data Visualization Working Group (DVWG), which will be responsible for SuperDARN data visualization software. As a result, DAWG’s activities will now focus solely on the Radar Software Toolkit, and the DVWG will be responsible for pyDARN.
Category: general
A new minor release of pyDARN has just been published!
Category: pyDARN
The Data Analysis Working Group meeting will be held on 25 May 2021 at 12:00 UTC.
Category: general
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
A patch release of pyDARN (v2.0.1) has been created to fix a bug in plot_fan
when plotting multiple fan plots.
Category: pyDARN
A new major release of pyDARN has just been published!
Category: pyDARN
A white paper on FITACF 3.0 is now available here. This paper provides an overview of the FITACF method in general, and a description of the differences between FITACF 2.5 and FITACF 3.0.
Category: data-analysis
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
The new minor release of the Radar Software Toolkit, RST4.5, is now available on Zenodo
Category: RST
The next RST minor release (v4.5) was originally planned for December 2020. However, we have decided to delay this until January 2021.
Category: RST
Our quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
Our first quarterly update to the SuperDARN Executive Council is available here.
Category: reports
We are pleased to announce the new patch release of the Radar Software Toolkit, RST4.4.1
Category: RST
We are pleased to announce that a new release of pyDARN is available for download.
Category: pyDARN
We are pleased to announce the new minor release of the Radar Software Toolkit, RST4.4.
Category: RST
The status of the FITACF3.0 package was discussed at the PI meeting on 5 June 2020.
Category: data-analysis
A major outcome of the 2020 Virtual SuperDARN Workshop was the decision to improve communication between the Executive Council and the Working Groups. This website will be used to provide regular high-level updates on the activities of the SuperDARN Data Analysis Working Group.
Category: general