RST5.0 released

Dec 21, 2022

We are pleased to announce that a new major release of the SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit is now available!

Download RST5.0

Key updates in RST 5.0 include:

  • All fitting algorithms are now called by the make_fit binary, and the following binaries have been removed: make_lmfit, make_fitex2, make_fitex1.
  • There is no default ACF fitting algorithm in make_fit. The user should specify the fitting algorithm using a command line option.
  • Added the LMFit2.0 fitting algorithm
  • C & IDL software to read TDIFF values from a calibration file (sample file included)
  • New fields in the fitacf file format: algorithm, tdiff, elv_error and elv_fitted
  • New command line option in map_addhmb to constrain the HMB based on a spectral width threshold (no change to default behavior)
  • New virtual height model for midlatitude radars and modularized rpos_v2 library
  • Speed improvements to map_grd and map_addhmb (~3x)
  • New GUI for displaying real-time fit data (fitacfclientgui binary)
  • Updates to the data simulator (sim_real and make_sim)
  • New command line options in field_plot to correctly display the radar field of view
  • Improved color control in plotting routines
  • Updated documentation

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the development and testing of this release! As always, we encourage users to contact us if they have questions or find problems with the software. New contributions to the software are also most welcome. You can contact us by opening an “issue” on the github page, or alternatively by email.