SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit (RST)
RST is the primary SuperDARN data analysis software. Key components of the package include FITACF
, which determines the power, velocity, spectral width and elevation angle parameters from raw autocorrelation functions (ACFs), and MAP POTENTIAL
, which produces global plasma convection maps by fitting the measured velocity vectors to a statistical model. The RST was developed at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL), with R.J. Barnes and K.B. Baker as the main authors of the codebase. The software is now maintained collaboratively by the SuperDARN community under the leadership of the DAWG.
For information on how to cite the RST in publications, please visit the Zenodo site
Documentation for RST is provided on two sites:
- Readthedocs documentation, which includes an installation guide, RST tutorials, and a description of the file formats (under development)
- API documentation, which includes the software structure and binary command line description and options
Questions and bug reports
RST is maintained on the SuperDARN/rst repository on Github. If you have questions or find a bug, please open a new issue on Github. Alternatively, you can contact us by email.
Previous versions
RST4.0 and later are available on Zenodo. A citable DOI is available for each version.
Earlier versions of the RST can be obtained from the Github RST Archive.