DAWG Update: May 2023 (SuperDARN Workshop 2023)
As a review, RST 5.0 was released on Dec. 21, 2022 (as described in the Nov. 2022 report). There were a few additions to the release after the Nov. 2023 PI report that pertained to command line options for field_plot
and better control of color and fonts in plotting routines. Thank you to everyone that contributed to this release through writing code, documentation or testing.
- Since the 5.0 release, there are a few important updates that we’re working on:
- Update relating to the handling of iqdat files relating to a doubling of the data array as well as handling the channel number (chnum) parameter correctly.
- Update needed relating to the IDL DLM implementation of
that is preventing the correct value of status to be returned. There is currently a pull request to correct this issue. This fix will be a driver for evaluating the next release, likely a minor one.
- Testing and activity since 5.0 release has been slow due to testers being occupied with other tasks.
- Some bug fixes and updates to hdw.dat files to add the new Iceland radars (ice, icw) have been added to the development branch that will go towards the next release. There are a number of other pull requests that are open that need to be tested.
- Development may be slowed due to lack of testing (admittedly even from the DAWG Co-chair Kevin Sterne). So we encourage each institution to evaluate any students that might be starting how they might be able to contribute to the processing code and testing of the RST repo.
Higher-level Issues/Topics
- Fitacf3 refinements are still needed for acceptance as a standard input into
processing routines. The latest development will be presented at the Workshop and work is being done on implementing this solution in RST. - Refinements to grid/map processing code to handle lower Heppner Maynard Boundary; the focus of this point is not in our working group at the moment as it requires some larger science questions to be answered. It is listed here to track this issue that our WG will monitor for a solution