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RFC: 0018


cnvmap DataMap variables definitions




A description of the variables stored in a cnvmap DataMap file.


1. Introduction

The cnvmap files are stored using the DataMap self-describing file format. Listed here are the variable names and definitions.

2. Scalars

The scalar components of the cnvmap file format are listed below:

Variable NameData TypeDescription
start.time.yrshortStart year.
start.time.moshortStart month.
start.time.dyshortStart day.
start.time.hrshortStart hour.
start.time.mtshortStart minute.
end.time.scdoubleEnd second.
end.time.yrshortEnd year.
end.time.moshortEnd month.
end.time.dyshortEnd day.
end.time.hrshortEnd hour.
end.time.mtshortEnd minute.
end.time.scdoubleEnd second.
map.major.revisionshortMajor revision.
map.minor.revisionshortMinor revision.
sourcestringSource of this data file.
doping.levelshortModel doping level.
model.wtshortModel weighting.
error.wtshortError weighting.
IMF.flagshortIMF availability flag.
IMF.delayshortIMF delay in minutes.
IMF.BxdoubleIMF Bx component.
IMF.BydoubleIMF By component.
IMF.BzdoubleIMF Bz component.
model.anglestringStatistical model angle.
model.levelstringStatistical model level.
hemisphereshortHemisphere flag.
fit.ordershortOrder of fit.
latminfloatLower latitude boundary.
chi.sqrdoubleTrue chi-squared error.
chi.sqr.datdoubleChi-squared error for data only.
rms.errdoubleRMS error.
lon.shftfloatLongitudinal pole shift.
lat.shftfloatLatitudinal pole shift.
mlt.startdoubleMLT at start of record.
mlt.enddoubleMLT at end of record.
mlt.avdoubleMLT at middle of record.
pot.dropdoubleCross polar-cap potential drop.
pot.drop.errdoubleCross polar-cap potential drop error.
pot.maxdoubleMaximum polar-cap potential.
pot.max.errdoubleMaximum polar-cap potential error.
pot.mindoubleMinimum polar-cap potential.
pot.min.errdoubleMinimum polar-cap potential error.

2. Arrays

The Array components of the cnvmap file format are listed below. The cnvmap format is a superset of the grdmap format so contains the same arrays:

Variable NameData TypeDimensionsDescription
stid[stnum]shortstnumStation Identifiers.
channel[stnum]shortstnumChannel Numbers.
nvec[stnum]shortstnumnumber of vectors per station.
freq[stnum]floatstnumOperating frequencies.
major.revision[stnum]shortstnumAlgorithm major revisions.
minor.revision[stnum]shortstnumAlgorithm minor revisions.
program.id[stnum]shortstnumProgram Identifiers.
noise.mean[stnum]floatstnumMean noises.
noise.sd[stnum]floatstnumNoise standard-deviations.
gsct[stnum]shortstnumGround scatter component.
v.min[stnum]floatstnumVelocity minimum thresholds.
v.max[stnum]floatstnumVelocity maximum thresholds.
p.min[stnum]floatstnumPower minimum thresholds.
p.max[stnum]floatstnumPower maximum thresholds.
w.min[stnum]floatstnumSpectral width minimum thresholds.
w.max[stnum]floatstnumSpectral width maximum thresholds.
ve.min[stnum]floatstnumVelocity error minimum thresholds.
ve.max[stnum]floatstnumVelocity error maximum thresholds.
vector.mlat[vcnum]floatvcnumMagnetic Latitudes.
vector.mlon[vcnum]floatvcnumMagnetic Longitudes.
vector.kvect[vcnum]floatvcnumMagnetic Azimuths.
vector.stid[vcnum]shortvcnumVector station identifier.
vector.channel[vcnum]shortvcnumVector channel.
vector.index[vcnum]intvcnumGrid indices.
vector.vel.median[vcnum]floatvcnumVelocity medians.
vector.vel.sd[vcnum]floatvcnumVelocity standard deviations.
vector.pwr.median[vcnum]floatvcnumPower medians.
vector.pwr.sd[vcnum]floatvcnumPower standard deviations.
vector.wdt.median[vcnum]floatvcnumSpectral width medians.
vector.wdt.sd[vcnum]floatvcnumSpectral width standard deviations.
N[ftnum]floatftnumL value of the expansion between 0 and Lmax.
N+1[ftnum]floatftnumM value of the expansion between -L and +L, negative values indicating the sin(M*phi) term.
N+2[ftnum]floatftnumvalue of the coefficient.
N+3[ftnum]floatftnumstimate of the 1-sigma error of the coefficient.
model.mlat[mdnum]floatmdnumMagnetic Latitudes of the model vectors.
model.mlon[mdnum]floatmdnumMagnetic Longitudes of the model vectors.
model.kvect[mdnum]floatmdnumMagnetic Azimuths of the model vectors.
model.vel.median[mdnum]floatmdnumVelocity medians of the model vectors.
boundary.mlat[bdnum]floatbdnumMagnetic Latitudes of the lower latitude boundary.
boundary.mlon[bdnum]floatbdnumMagnetic Longitudes of the lower latitude boundary.

A grdmap subset of the cnvmap file consists a number of vectors, vcnum, the vectors come from a number of individual staitons, stnum. The file contains arrays containing the operating and processing parameters of each station and arrays that containing data for each vector.

The arrays vector.pwr.median,vector.pwr.sd,vector.wdt.median and vector.wdt.sd are only included in extended format grdmap files

A cnvmap does not necessarily contain a complete all of the variables listed above. The processing is divided up into stages with variables added to the file as needed. If the statistical model has been calculated the file will contain the arrays model.mlat,model.mlon,model.kvect and model.vel.median each with mdnum members. If the lower latitude boundary has been found then the file will contain the arrays boundary.mlat and boundary.mlon each with bdnum members. If the spherical harmonic analysis has been performed then the file will contain the arrays N,N+1,N+2 and N+3 each with ftnum members.


RFC #0006
RFC #0016


2004/11/19 Initial Revision.