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trim_fit --help
trim_fit [-vb] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn] [-cp cpid] [-cn channel] [fitacfname]
trim_fit -i [-vb] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn] [-cp cpid] [-cn channel] fitacfname inxinput
trim_fit -old [-vb] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn] [-cp cpid] [-cn channel] fitinput fitoutput
trim_fit -i -old [-vb] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn] [-cp cpid] [-cn channel] fitinput fitoutput inxinput inxoutput

Extracts a section from a fit or fitacf format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-sd yyyymmddextract starting from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnextract starting from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop extracting at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop extracting at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnextract an interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-cp cpextract only those records with the program identifier cp.
-cn channelextract only those records from channel channel.
fitacfnamefilename of the fitacf format file to trim. If this is omitted, the file will be read from standard input
-iindex files are available, for fit format files, an index file is created for the ouput file.
inxinputfilename of the index file associated with the fit or fitacf format input file.
inxoutputfilename of the index file to create.
-oldthe input file is a fit format file.
fitinputfilename of the fit format file to trim.
fitoutputfilename of the fit format file to create.

Extracts a section from a fit or fitacf format file.

If the input file is a fitacf format file, the extracted section will be written to standard output

trim_fit -old -st 11:00 -ex 1:00 20000110.kap.fit 2000011011.kap.fit

Extracts a one-hour section starting at 11:00UT from the fit file "20000110.kap.dat" to produce the fit file called "200001101.kap.dat".

trim_fit -cp 150 -sd 19990410 -st 22:00 -ed 19990411 -et 4:00 19990410.gbr.fitacf > 1999041022.gbr.fitacf

Extract a six-hour section starting at 22:00UT April 10, 1999 from the fitacf file "19990410.gbr.fitacf" to produce the fit file "1999041022.gbr.fitacf". Only those records with a program identifier number of 150 will be extracted.