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rtsnd --help
rtsnd [-L logname] [-p pathname] [-if pidname] host port
rtsnd -rpf [-L logname] [-p pathname] [-if pidname] host portname

Creates 2-hour snd format files from a fitacf TCP/IP data stream.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-name stidspecify the radar code stid to use for the output filename (the default value is taken from the radar parameter block but can sometimes become corrupted and set to tst).
-noscanignore scan flag and process all data (usually sounding mode data is indicated by a scan flag of -2).
-cn channelprocess data from a specific channel number for stereo mode data.
-L lognamelog connections and information in the file logname. By default, connections are recorded in snd.rt.log.
-p pathnamestore the 2-hour files in the directory pathname.
-if pidnamerecord the process Identifier (PID) of the server in the file pidname. By default, the PID is recorded in snd.rt.pid.
hosthostname or IP number of the system to connect to.
rportport number to connect to on the server.
-rpfThe remote port number is stored in a text file.
rportnamefilename of the text file containing the remote port number.

Creates 2-hour snd format files from a fitacf TCP/IP data stream.

The data is written to a file called "yyyymmdd.hh.iii.snd" where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, dd is the day, hh is the hour, and iii is the radar identifier code.

make_snd -L log -if pid.id kapqnx.jhuapl.edu 1024

Generates snd files from the host "kapqnx.jhuapl.edu", served at port 1024. The process identifier is recorded in the file "pid.id", and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.yyyymmdd" where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day.

make_snd -L log -if pid.id -rpf port.kap kapqnx.jhuapl.edu

Generates snd files from the host "kapqnx.jhuapl.edu", served at port contained in the file "port.kap". The process identifier is recorded in the file "pid.id", and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.yyyymmdd" where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day.