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radar_id --help
radar_id [-vb] [-n] [-s] [-o] [-h] [-d yyyymmdd] [-t hr:mn] stid
radar_id -c [-vb] [-n] [-s] [-o] [-h] [-d yyyymmdd] [-t hr:mn] stnum

Print out information about the radar sites.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Print out the extra information describing the output.
-nprint the station name.
-sprint the operational status of the station.
-oprint the name of the operator of the station.
-hprint the geographic (longitude,latitude), location of the station.
-d yyyymmddget the hardware information for the date yyyymmdd.
-t hr:mnget the hardware information for the time hr:mn.
stidstation identifier code.
-cget the station identifier code, not the station number (assumes that the station number is given on the command line).
stnumstation number.

Displays information about a radar site on standard output. The default operation is for the program to display the station identifier number when supplied with the radar identifier code. The other command line options will display additional information.

The "-c" option will display the radar identifier code when the station identifier number is given on the command line.

radar_id -vb -n -s -o gbr

Display the name, status, operator and radar identifier number for the station with the identifier code "gbr". The requested information is labeled.

radar_id -vb -d 20040830 -t 0:00 -h -n -s -o hal

Display the name, status, operator, location and radar identifier number for the station with the identifier code "hal" and the universal time of midnight on the 30th August,2004. The requested information is labeled.