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map_addmodel --help
map_addmodel [-vb] [-old] [-nointerp] [-noigrf] [-rg96|-psr10|-cs10|-ts18|-ts18_kp]
[-o order] [-d doping] [mapname]


Calculates the statistical model and adds it to a convection map file.

--helpprint the help message and exits.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-oldthe input file is a map format file.
-old_aacgmuses the older AACGM software and coefficients. The default
is to use AACGM-v2.
-rg96uses the RG96 statistical model.
-psr10uses the PSR10 statistical model (equivalent to the RG05 model.)
-cs10uses the CS10 statistical model.
-ts18uses the TS18 statistical model [default].
-ts18_kpuses the TS18-Kp statistical model.
-nointerpDo not interpolate coeffiecients, instead use discrete models.
-noigrfDo not use IGRF model to convert potential to velocities,
instead use constant values.
-o orderset the order of fit to be order.
-d dopingset the doping level to dp. Possible values are low, medium, or high.
mapnamefilename of the cnvmap format file. If this is omitted, the file will
be read from standard input.

Calculates the statistical model and adds it to a convection map file.

The file created is written to standard output.

The input convection map file must have valid IMF data.

map_addmodel -d l -o 8 -vb 19981020.map > 19981020.model.map

Adds model vectors to the map file called "19981020.map". The order of fit is set to 8 and the doping level to light. The file created is called "19981020.model.map" and status is logged to standard error.