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make_lmfit2 --help
make_lmfit2 rawacfname fitacfname [inxname]
make_lmfit2 -old rawname fitname [inxname]

Creates a fit or fitacf format file from a raw (dat) or rawacf format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
rawnamefilename of the raw (dat) format file.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file to create.
[inxname]filename of the associated index file to create.
-oldinput file is in raw (dat) file format and the output should be in fit file format.
rawacfnamefilename of the rawacf format file. If this is omitted the file is read from standard input.

Creates a fit or fitacf format file from a raw (dat) or rawacf format file.

If the "-new" option is specified then the fitacf format file is written to standard output.

make_lmfit2 -vb 19981105.kap.rawacf > 19981105.kap.fitacf

Generates a fit file from the dat file "19981105.kap.rawacf" to produce a file called "19981105.kap.fitacf". Status is logged on standard error.

make_lmfit2 -old 19971020.gbr.dat 19971020.gbr.fit 19971020.gbr.inx

Generates a fit file from the dat file "19971020.gbr.dat" to produce a file called "19971020.gbr.fit" and an index file called "19971020.gbr.inx".