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make_fitinx --help
make_fitinx [-vb] [fitacfname]
make_fitinx -old [-vb] fitname inxname

Creates an index of a fitacf format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
fitacfnamefilename of the fitacf format file. If this is omitted the file is read from standard input.
-oldfiles are in the fit format.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file.
inxnamefilename of the index file to create.

Creates an index of a fitacf format file.

If the input file is a fitacf format file, then the index is written to standard output.

make_fitinx 20040830.gbr.fitacf > 20040830.gbr.fitinx

Create an index file for the fitacf format file "20040830.gbr.fitacf". The index is writen to the file "20040830.gbr.fitinx".

make_fitinx -old 20040830.gbr.fit 20040830.gbr.inx

Create an index file for the fit format file "20040830.gbr.fit". The index is writen to the file "20040830.gbr.inx".