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make_fit --help
make_fit -fitacf3|-fitacf2|-lmfit1|-fitex2|-fitex1 [rawacfname]
make_fit -old -fitacf3|-fitacf2|-lmfit1|-fitex2|-fitex1 rawname fitname [inxname]

Creates a fit or fitacf format file from a raw (dat) or rawacf format file using one of the SuperDARN fitting algorithms. A description of each fitting algorithm is available at https://radar-software-toolkit-rst.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/make_fit/

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
rawacfnamefilename of the rawacf format file. If this is omitted the file is read from standard input.
-fitacf3Uses FitACF 3.0 fitting algorithm
-fitacf2Uses FitACF 2.5 fitting algorithm
-lmfit2Uses LMFit 2.0 fitting algorithm (Not yet implemented: use make_lmfit2 binary)
-lmfit1Uses LMFit 1.0 fitting algorithm
-fitex2Uses FitEx 2.0 fitting algorithm
-fitex1Uses FitEx 1.0 fitting algorithm
-tdiff tdiffUse a fixed value of tdiff (in units of microseconds) when calculating elevation angles.
-tdiff_method methodUse tdiff values from the calibration method of method when calculating elevation angles (0: Ponomarenko-2015; 1: Burrell-2016; 2: Ponomarenko-2018; 3: Chisham-2018; 4: Chisham-2021). Note: this option overrides -tdiff
-oldinput file is in raw (dat) file format and the output should be in fit file format.
-old_elevuse old elevation angle algorithm(s).
rawnamefilename of the raw (dat) format file.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file to create.
[inxname]filename of the associated index file to create.

Creates a fit or fitacf format file from a raw (dat) or rawacf format file. If the "-old" option is not specified then the fitacf format file is written to standard output.

make_fit -fitacf3 -vb 19981105.kap.rawacf > 19981105.kap.fitacf3

Generates a fitacf file using FitACF3.0 from the rawacf file "19981105.kap.rawacf" to produce a file called "19981105.kap.fitacf". Status is logged on standard error.

make_fit -fitacf2 19981105.kap.rawacf > 19981105.kap.fitacf2

Generates a fitacf file using FitACF2.5 from the rawacf file "19981105.kap.rawacf" to produce a file called "19981105.kap.fitacf". Status is logged on standard error.

make_fit -fitacf2 -old 19971020.gbr.dat 19971020.gbr.fit 19971020.gbr.inx

Generates a fit file using FitACF2.5 from the dat file "19971020.gbr.dat" to produce a file called "19971020.gbr.fit" and an index file called "19971020.gbr.inx".