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find_freqband --help
find_freqband [options] fitacfname [inxname]
find_freqband -old [options] fitname [inxname]
find_freqband -cfit [options] cfitname
find_freqband -cfit -old [options] cfitname
find_freqband [options] fitacfnames...
find_freqband -old [options] fitnames...
find_freqband -cfit [options] cfitnames...
find_freqband -cfit -old [options] cfitnames...

Creates an ascii format file for a single radar site from either a fit, fitacf or cfit format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-sd yyyymmddstart from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnstart from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnuse the interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-tl tlenignore the scan flag and instead use a fixed length scan of tlen seconds.
-cn channelprocess data from channel channel for stereo mode data.
-cn_fix channelmanually set channel information written to output file.
-nsexclude data with scan flags less than zero.
-bandwidthmanually specify the desired bandwidth in kHz (default=300 kHz).
fitacfnamefilename of the fitacf format file.
inxnamefilename of the index file.
-oldthe input file is in the fit format.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file.
-cfitthe input file is in the cfit format.
cfitfnamefilename of the cfit format file.
-cconcatenate multiple input files (from the same radar site). WARNING: This option will be deprecated in the next RST release. Multiple input files from one radar are now detected and concatenated automatically.
fitnamesfilenames of the fit format files.
fitacfnamesfilenames of the fitacf format files.
cfitnamesfilenames of the cfit format files.

Creates an ascii format file with the transmitted frequencies, occurence numbers for these frequencies, and frequency bands for a single radar site from either a fit, fitacf or cfit format file.

This text file with transmission frequency data is designed to inform the radar operations and assist data analysis processes that require different transmission frequencies to be processed seperately.

The algorithm optionally allows the user to specify the desired width for frequency bands. Most radars use either a 300 kHz or 500 kHz bandwidth, so 300 kHz is the default.

After processing the frequency information, text lines are written to standard output.

The program accepts multiple fit files as input. If more than one input file is provided, the program will concatenate them together for processing. Note that only fit files from a single radar site may be concatenated.

find_freqband -vb -old 19991120.kap.fit > 19991120.kap.fband

Generate a frequency band file from the old fit file "19991120.kap.fit" and store it in the ascii format file "19991120.kap.fband". Report the status on standard error.

find_freqband -bandwidth 600 20000510.*.kod.fit > 20000510.kod.fband

Concatenate all the fit files in the current directory to create a frequency band file with 600 kHz frequency bands. Store the output in the ascii format file "20000510.kod.fband".

find_freqband -tl 120 -old 19981012.gbr.fit > 19981012.gbr.fband

Generate a frequency band file from the fit file "19981012.gbr.fit" using a fixed scan length of 120 seconds. This affects how the data is read in. Store an ascii file in "19981012.gbr.fband"