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fitacfclientgui --help
fitacfclientgui host port

Graphical client program for fitacf TCP/IP data streams.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-nrange nrngset the maximum number of range gates to display to nrng (default is 75).
-colordisplay the data stream in color according to the selected parameter (default is power).
-pplot power.
-vplot velocity.
-wplot spectral width.
-wplot elevation angle.
-pmin pminset the minimum value of the power scale to pmin.
-pmax pmaxset the maximum value of the power scale to pmax.
-vmin vminset the minimum value of the velocity scale to vmin.
-vmax vmaxset the maximum value of the velocity scale to vmax.
-wmin wminset the minimum value of the spectral width scale to wmin.
-wmax wmaxset the maximum value of the spectral width scale to wmax.
-emin eminset the minimum value of the elevation angle scale to emin.
-emax emaxset the maximum value of the elevation angle scale to emax.
hosthostname or IP address of the system to connect to.
portport number to connect to on the system.

Graphical client program for fitacf TCP/IP data streams.

The program dumps an ASCII representation of the fitacf data stream to standard output. When color mode is enabled, users can toggle between power, velocity, spectral width, and elevation angle by pressing 'p', 'v', w', or 'e', respectively. Press any other key to exit the program.

fitacfclientgui peanut.jhuapl.edu 1024

Connect to the host peanut.jhuapl.edu at port 1024 and display the data stream.