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time_plot --help
time_plot [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -old [options] [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -cfit [options] cfitname
time_plot -smr [options] smrname
time_plot -png [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -png -old [options] [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -png -cfit [options] cfitname
time_plot -png -smr [options] smrname
time_plot -ps [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -ps [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] -old [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -ps [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] -cfit cfitname
time_plot -ps [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] -smr smrname
time_plot -ppm [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -ppm -old [options] [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -ppm -cfit [options] cfitname
time_plot -ppm -smr [options] smrname
time_plot -ppmx [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -ppmx -old [options] [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -ppmx -cfit [options] cfitname
time_plot -ppmx -smr [options] smrname
time_plot -xml [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -xml -old [options] [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -xml -cfit [options] cfitname
time_plot -xml -smr [options] smrname
time_plot -x [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] [options] fitacfname [inxname]
time_plot -x [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] -old [options] [fitname] [inxname]
time_plot -x [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] -cfit [options] cfitname
time_plot -x [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] -smr [options] smrname

Generate a time series plot of data.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-cf cfnameread command line options from the file cfname.
-sd yyyymmddplot starting from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnplot starting from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop plotting at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop plotting at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnplot an interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-name nametitle the image name, for those formats that support image naming.
-wdt widthset the width of the plot to width.
-hgt heightset the height of the plot to height.
-bgcol rrggbbset the background color to rrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 24-bit red,green and blue component color.
-pbgcol rrggbbset the panel background color to rrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 24-bit red,green and blue component color.
-grdcol rrggbbset the color of grid to rrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 24-bit red,green and blue component color.
-txtcol rrggbbset the color of text to rrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 24-bit red,green and blue component color.
-gscol rrggbbset the color of ground scatter to rrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 24-bit red,green and blue component color.
-pkey pkeynameload the power colorkey from the file pkeyname.
-pkey_path pkey_pathload the power colorkey from the custom path pkey_path.
-vkey vkeynameload the velocity colorkey from the file vkeyname.
-vkey_path vkey_pathload the velocity colorkey from the custom path vkey_path.
-wkey wkeynameload the spectral width colorkey from the file wkeyname.
-wkey_path wkey_pathload the spectral width colorkey from the custom path wkey_path.
-phikey phikeynameload the phi0 colorkey from the file phikeyname.
-phikey_path phikey_pathload the phi0 colorkey from the custom path phikey_path.
-ekey ekeynameload the elevation angle colorkey from the file ekeyname.
-ekey_path ekey_pathload the elevation angle colorkey from the custom path ekey_path.
-vekey vekeynameload the velocity error colorkey from the file vekeyname.
-vekey_path vekey_pathload the velocity error colorkey from the custom path vekey_path.
-wekey wekeynameload the spectral width error colorkey from the file wekeyname.
-wekey_path wekey_pathload the spectral width error colorkey from the custom path wekey_path.
-p0key p0keynameload the lag0 power colorkey from the file p0keyname.
-p0key_path p0key_pathload the lag0 power colorkey from the custom path p0key_path.
-fkey fkeynameload the frequency colorkey from the file fkeyname.
-fkey_path fkey_pathload the frequency colorkey from the custom path fkey_path.
-nkey nkeynameload the noise colorkey from the file nkeyname.
-nkey_path nkey_pathload the noise colorkey from the custom path nkey_path.
-fontname fontnameplot any labels using the font fontname.
-fontsize fontsizeset the font size to fontsize points.
-tfontname tfontnameplot the title using the font tfontname.
-tfontsize tfontsizeset the title font size to tfontsize points.
-tmajor hr:mnset the interval of the Time axis major tick mark to be hr:mn.
-tminor hr:mnset the interval of the Time axis minor tick mark to be hr:mn.
-b bmnumplot beam number bmnum, a value of -1 plots all beams.
-c channelfor stereo mode data, plot channel channel, if omitted then both channels are plotted.
-cp cpidplot beams that contain the program identifier cpid only.
-scan scanplot beams that have a value for the scan flag of scan.
-aplot power, velocity, and spectral width.
-pplot power.
-vplot velocity.
-wplot spectral width.
-phiplot phi0.
-eplot elevation angle.
-veplot velocity error.
-weplot spectral width error.
-p0plot lag0 power.
-pmin pminset the minimum value of the power scale to pmin.
-pmax pmaxset the maximum value of the power scale to pmax.
-vmin vminset the minimum value of the velocity scale to vmin.
-vmax vmaxset the maximum value of the velocity scale to vmax.
-wmin wminset the minimum value of the spectral width scale to wmin.
-wmax wmaxset the maximum value of the spectral width scale to wmax.
-phimin phiminset the minimum value of the phi0 scale to phimin.
-phimax phimaxset the maximum value of the phi0 scale to phimax.
-emin eminset the minimum value of the elevation angle scale to emin.
-emax emaxset the maximum value of the elevation angle scale to emax.
-vemin veminset the minimum value of the velocity error scale to vemin.
-vemax vemaxset the maximum value of the velocity error scale to vemax.
-wemin weminset the minimum value of the spectral width error scale to wemin.
-wemax wemaxset the maximum value of the spectral width error scale to wemax.
-p0min p0minset the minimum value of the lag0 power scale to p0min.
-p0max p0maxset the maximum value of the lag0 power scale to p0max.
-gscolor ground scatter.
-gmmask out ground scatter.
-nsignore non-scan data (data with a scan flag of -1).
-kmplot in terms of distance in kilometers.
-frang frangforce the distance to the first range to be frang kilometers.
-erang erangforce the distance to the last range to be erang kilometers.
-rsep rsepforce the range separation to be rsep kilometers.
-lrlimit the ranges plotted.
-srng startset the first range to plot to be start.
-erng endset the last range to plot to be end.
-geoplot in terms of geographic latitude.
-magplot in terms of geomagnetic latitude.
-old_aacgmuser older AACGM rather than AACGM-v2 for magnetic coordinates.
-latmin latminforce the lower latitude limit to be latmin degrees.
-latmax latmaxforce the upper latitude limit to be latmax degrees.
-ymajor ymajorset the interval of the Y-axis major tick mark to be ymajor.
-yminor yminorset the interval of the Y-axis minor tick mark to be yminor.
-ytick ytickset the number Y-axis tick marks ytick.
-fn exprapply the mathematic expression expr to the data before it is plotted.
fitacfnamefilename of the fitacf format file to plot.
inxnamefilename of the index file.
-oldfile is in the fit format.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file to plot.
-cfitfile is in the cfit format.
cfitnamefilename of the cfit format file to plot.
-smrfile is in the smr format.
-fbeam fbeamassume that the first beam in a scan in the summary file is fbeam.
smrnamefilename of the smr format file to plot.
-sndfile is in the snd format.
sndnamefilename of the snd format file to plot.
-pngproduce a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image as the output.
-psproduce a PostScript plot as the output.
-xp xoffset the X offset of the PostScript plot to xoff.
-yp xoffset the Y offset of the PostScript plot to yoff.
-ppmproduce a Portable PixMap (PPM) image as the output.
-ppmxproduce an extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) image as the output.
-xmlproduce an XML image representation as the output.
-xplot the data on an X-terminal.
-display displayconnect to the xterminal named display.
-xoff xoffopen the window, xoff pixels from the left edge of the screen.
-yoff yoffopen the window ypad pixels from the top edge of the screen.
-chishamuse the Chisham virtual height model.

Generate a time series plot of data.

The output can be to an XML representation of an image, a Portable PixMap (PPM) files, extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) file, Portable Network Graphics (PNG), or PostScript plot. The default output is PostScript. The plot is written to standard output.

The options "-pkey", "-vkey", "-wkey", "-fkey" "-nkey" allow user defined color keys to be used.

The color key file is a plain text file that defines the red green and blue components for each index in the color bar. Any line in the file beginning with a "#" is treated as a comment and ignored. The first line that is not a comment defines the number of entries in the table. The remaining lines in the file contain color values for each index, one value per line. The values are hexadecimal numbers of the form rrggbb, where rr is the red component, gg is the blue component and bb is the blue component.

The number and complexity of the command line options makes typing them a laborious process, especially when producing multiple plots. To solve this problem, command line options can be placed in plain text file that can be parsed by the program using the " -cf" option. This allows the user to create a set of configuration files for producing different plots.

time_plot -x -old -gs -a -b 5 20041230.kod.fit

Plot a time series of power,velocity and spectral width from the file "20041230.kod.fit". Mark ground scatter in grey. Display the plot on the X terminal.

time_plot -ps -ex 6:00 -gs -cfit -v -km -b 5 20040120.kod.cfit > kod.ps

Generate a PostScript plot of a time series of velocity from the first six hours of data in the file "20041230.kod.cfit". Mark ground scatter in grey and plot range in kilometers. The plot is stored in the file "kod.ps".

time_plot -ex 3:00 -gs -cfit -srng 35 -a -erng 60 -b 5 20040120.kod.cfit > kod.rp.xml

Generate a PostScript plot of a time series of power, velocity and spectral width from the first six hours of data in the file "20041230.kod.cfit". Mark ground scatter in grey and only plot between ranges 35 and 60.