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iqplot --help
iqplot [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] [options] name

Plot raw I&Q samples from a iqdat format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-cf cfnameread command line options from the file cfname.
-sd yyyymmddplot starting from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnplot starting from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop plotting at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop plotting at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnplot an interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-wdt widthset the width of the plot to width.
-hgt heightset the height of the plot to height.
-rplot the real (I) component of the I&Q samples.
-iplot the imaginary (Q) component of the I&Q samples.
-pplot the power of the I&Q samples on a logarithmic scale.
-b bmnumonly plot the I&Q samples from beam number bmnum.
-c chnumonly plot the I&Q samples from channel chnum for stereo mode data.
-intplot I&Q samples from the interferometer array instead of the main array.
-rcol aarrggbbset the color of the real (I) component to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is teal].
-icol aarrggbbset the color of the imaginary (Q) component to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is red].
-txtcol aarrggbbset the color of text to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is white].
-bgcol aarrggbbset the background color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is black].
-pbgcol aarrggbbset the panel background color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is black].
-fgcol aarrggbbset the axes and tick mark colors to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is white].
-gcol aarrggbbset the major grid line color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is gray].
-dgcol aarrggbbset the minor grid line color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color [default is gray].
-fontname fontnameplot any labels using the font fontname.
-fontsize fontsizeset the font size to fontsize points.
-tfontname tfontnameplot the title using the font tfontname.
-tfontsize tfontsizeset the title font size to tfontsize points.
-m ymaxset the extent of the Y-axis to +/-ymax when plotting I&Q components.
-s xminset the first I&Q sample plotted to xmin.
-n xnumset the number of I&Q samples plotted to xnum.
-xmaj xmajorset the X-axis major tick mark interval to xmajor.
-xmin xminorset the X-axis minor tick mark interval to xminor.
-ymaj ymajorset the Y-axis major tick mark interval to ymajor.
-ymin yminorset the Y-axis minor tick mark interval to yminor.
namethe filename of the iqdat format file to plot.
-display displayconnect to the xterminal named display.
-xoff xoffopen the window, xoff pixels from the left edge of the screen.
-yoff yoffopen the window ypad pixels from the top edge of the screen.
-delay delayset the delay between frames to delay milliseconds, a value of 0 will pause the frame until a mouse button is pressed. Default: 0

Plot raw I&Q iqdat format files.

The output is to the X terminal. The program acts as a "virtual" oscilloscope allowing the user to replay I&Q samples taken at the radar.

iqplot 20080318.wal.iqdat

Plot the I&Q samples from the iqdat file called "20080318.iqdat" on the X terminal.