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fov_plot --help
fov_plot [options]
fov_plot -png [options]
fov_plot -ps [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] [options]
fov_plot -ppm [options]
fov_plot -ppmx [options]
fov_plot -xml [options]
fov_plot -x [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] [options]

Plot the radar fields of view.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-cf cfnameread command line options from the file cfname.
-wdt widthset the width of the plot to width.
-hgt heightset the height of the plot to height.
-pad padset the paddding around the edges of the plot to pad.
-sf scaleset the scale factor (magnification) to scale. The default scale factor is 1.
-orthouse an orthographic projection.
-stereouse a stereographic projection.
-gvpuse a general vertical projection.
-lat latcenter the plot on the latitude given by lat.
-lon loncenter the plot on the longitude given by lon.
-latmin latminadjust the scale factor so that the lowest visible latitude is latmin. Applies when the stereographic projection is used.
-maguse magnetic coordinates.
-old_aacgmuse older AACGM rather than default AACGM-v2 for magnetic coordinates.
-rotaterotate the plot so that the local noon is at the top of the plot.
-flipflip the direction of the X-axis.
-squareforce the use of a square bounding box around the plot.
-coastplot coastlines.
-fcoastplot filled coastlines.
-bndplot state boundaries.
-grdplot a grid.
-tmkplot a clock-dial grid showing the time.
-grdontopplot the grid on top of the image.
-fovplot the radar field of view.
-ffovplot the filled radar field of view.
-ofovplot the field of view of all the other radars.
-fofovplot the filled field of view of all the other radars.
-cfovplot the field of view of radars under construction.
-fcfovplot the filled field of view of radars under construction.
-dotMark the location of the radar site with a dot.
-dotr radiusset the radius of the dot used to mark the station.
-tmtick tickset the grid interval for the time clock-dial to tick hours.
-lstuse local solar time rather than local time.
-termplot the terminator.
-ftermplot a shaded terminator.
-tmlblLabel the time clock-dial.
-fontname fontnameplot any labels using the font fontname.
-fontsize fontsizeset the font size to fontsize points.
-lnewdt lnewdtset the line width to lnewdt.
-bgcol aarrggbbset the background color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-txtcol aarrggbbset the color of the text to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-grdcol aarrggbbset the color of the grid to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-cstcol aarrggbbset the color of the coastline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-bndcol aarrggbbset the color of the state boundaries to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-lndcol aarrggbbset the color of the land to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-seacol aarrggbbset the color of the sea to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-trmcol aarrggbbset the color of the terminator outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-ftrmcol aarrggbbset the color of the filled terminator to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-tmkcol aarrggbbset the color of the time clock-dial to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-fovcol aarrggbbset the color of the field of view outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-ffovcol aarrggbbset the color of the filled field of view to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-ofovcol aarrggbbset the color of the field of view outline of other radars to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-fofovcol aarrggbbset the color of the filled field of view of other radars to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-cfovcol aarrggbbset the color of the field of view outline of radars under construction to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-fcfovcol aarrggbbset the color of the filled field of view of radars under construction to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-d yyyymmddplot for the date yyyymmdd.
-t hr:mnplot for the time hr:mn.
-st stid...plot the fields of view for the radars listed in stid which is a comma separated list of station identifier codes.
-pngproduce a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image as the output.
-psproduce a PostScript plot as the output.
-xp xoffset the X offset of the PostScript plot to xoff.
-yp xoffset the Y offset of the PostScript plot to yoff.
-ppmproduce a Portable PixMap (PPM) image as the output.
-ppmxproduce an extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) image as the output.
-xmlproduce an XML image representation as the output.
-xplot on an X-terminal.
-display displayconnect to the xterminal named display.
-xoff xoffopen the window, xoff pixels from the left edge of the screen.
-yoff yoffopen the window ypad pixels from the top edge of the screen.
-timeplot the date and time of the plotted field of view.
-chishamuse the Chisham virtual height model.

Plot the radar fields of view.

The output can be to an X terminal, XML rplot file, Portable PixMap (PPM) file, extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) file, Portable Network Graphics (PNG), or PostScript file. The default output is PostScript. The output file is written to standard output.

The task only plots what it is instructed to plot on the command line which means that at least some of the options must be included if the plot is to show anything.

The default map projection is a simple cylindrical projection, the most useful projection is the stereographic projection invoked using the "-stereo" option.

The date and time options allow a plot for a specific time to be generated this is most useful when used in conjunction with the "-rotate" option or the "-term" and "-fterm" options.

The number and complexity of the command line options makes typing them a laborious process, especially when producing multiple plots. To solve this problem, command line options can be placed in plain text file that can be parsed by the program using the " -cf" option. This allows the user to create a set of configuration files for producing different plots.

fov_plot -grd -fov -ffov -stereo -mag -x -st kod 

Plot a stereographic projection in magnetic coordinates of the Kodiak field of view on an X terminal. Show a grid of latitude and longitude.

fov_plot -ps -grd -fov -ffov -stereo -coast -st gbr > gbr.ps

Generate a PostScript plot of the Goose Bay field of view using a stereographic projection. Show coastlines and a grid of longitude and latitude. The plot is stored in the file "gbr.ps".

fov_plot -grd -fov -ffov -ortho -fterm -d 20040312 -t 12:00 -fcoast -coast -ofov -fofov -st sas > sas.rp.xml

Generate an rXML plot of the Saskatoon field of view using an orthographic projection. Show coastlines, shade land and sea, overlay a grid of longitude and latitude. Show the fields of view of the other radars. Shade the image to show the terminator for a time of March 12, 2004 at 12:00 UTC. The plot is stored in the file "sas.rp.xml".