--help | print the help message and exit. |
--version | print the RST version number and exit. |
-cf cfname | read command line options from the file cfname. |
-def | plot using some sensible default options so that the user will see something plotted. |
-r repeat | set the number of rows and columns of panels in the plot to repeat. The default value of 2 produces a 2x2 panel plot. If this value is set to zero then the program will produce sequential plots and write them to a file. |
-sd yyyymmdd | plot starting from the date yyyymmdd. |
-st hr:mn | plot starting from the time hr:mn. |
-ed yyyymmdd | stop plotting at the date yyyymmdd. |
-et hr:mn | stop plotting at the time hr:mn. |
-ex hr:mn | plot an interval whose extent is hr:mn. |
-tn | generate filenames of the form hrmn.sc.xxx when producing sequential plots. |
-dn | generate filenames of the form yyyymmdd.hrmn.sc.xxx when producing sequential plots . |
-wdt width | set the width of the plot to width. |
-hgt height | set the height of the plot to height. |
-pad pad | set the padding around the edge of the plot to pad. |
-sf scale | set the scale factor (magnification) to scale. The default scale factor is 1. |
-ortho | use an orthographic projection. |
-lat lat | center the plot on the latitude given by lat. |
-lon lon | center the plot on the longitude given by lon. |
-latmin latmin | adjust the scale factor so that the lowest visible latitude is latmin. Applies when the stereographic projection is used. |
-mag | use magnetic coordinates. |
-old_aacgm | use older AACGM rather than default AACGM-v2 for magnetic coordinates. |
-rotate | rotate the plot so that the local noon is at the top of the plot. |
-flip | flip the direction of the X-axis. |
-square | force the use of a square bounding box around the plot. |
-coast | plot coastlines. |
-fcoast | plot filled coastlines. |
-bnd | plot state boundaries. |
-grd | plot a grid. |
-grdlat grdlat | set the latitude spacing of the grid to grdlat degrees. |
-grdlon grdlon | set the longitude spacing of the grid to grdlon degrees. |
-igrd | plot the inverse grid, if the plot is in geographic coordinates, a geomagnetic grid is plotted, if the plot is in geomagnetic coordinates, a geographic grid is plotted. |
-igrdlat igrdlat | set the latitude spacing of the inverse grid to grdlat degrees. |
-igrdlon igrdlon | set the longitude spacing of the inverse grid to grdlon degrees. |
-igrdontop | plot the inverse grid on top. |
-grdontop | plot the grid on top. |
-tmk | plot a clock-dial grid showing the time. |
-fov | plot the radar fields of view of other SuperDARN radars. |
-ffov | plot the filled radar fields of view of other SuperDARN radars. |
-fan | plot the radar field of view. |
-ffan | plot the filled radar field of view. |
-minbeam minbeam | set the minimum beam number to draw for the radar field of view outline to minbeam. |
-maxbeam maxbeam | set the maximum number of beams to draw for the radar field of view outline to maxbeam. |
-lst | use local solar time rather than local time. |
-tmtick tick | set the grid interval for the time clock-dial to tick hours. |
-lst | use local solar time rather than local time. |
-term | plot the terminator. |
-fterm | plot a filled terminator. |
-tmlbl | Label the time clock-dial. |
-bgcol aarrggbb | set the background color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha, red,green and blue component color. |
-txtcol aarrggbb | set the color of the text to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-grdcol aarrggbb | set the color of the grid to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-igrdcol aarrggbb | set the color of the inverse grid to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-cstcol aarrggbb | set the color of the coastline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-bndcol aarrggbb | set the color of the state boundaries to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-lndcol aarrggbb | set the color of the land to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-seacol aarrggbb | set the color of the sea to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-tmkcol aarrggbb | set the color of the time clock-dial to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-fovcol aarrggbb | set the color of the fields of view outline of other SuperDARN radars to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-ffovcol aarrggbb | set the color of the filled fields of view of other SuperDARN radars to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-fancol aarrggbb | set the color of the field of view outline of this radar to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-ffancol aarrggbb | set the color of the filled field of view of this radar to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-trmcol aarrggbb | set the color of the terminator outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha, red,green and blue component color. |
-ftrmcol aarrggbb | set the color of the filled terminator outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-gscol aarrggbb | set the color of ground scatter to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color. |
-vkey vkeyname | load the colorkey used to plot velocity vectors from the file vkeyname. |
-vkey_path vkey_path | load the colorkey used to plot velocity vectors from the custom path vkey_path. |
-key keyname | load the colorkey from the file keyname. |
-key_path key_path | load the colorkey from the custom path key_path. |
-p | plot power. |
-v | plot velocity. |
-w | plot spectral width. |
-phi | plot phi0. |
-e | plot elevation angle. |
-ve | plot velocity error. |
-we | plot spectral width error. |
-p0 | plot lag0 power. |
-vec | plot velocity vectors. |
-pmin pmin | set the minimum value of the power scale to pmin. |
-pmax pmax | set the maximum value of the power scale to pmax. |
-vmin vmin | set the minimum value of the velocity scale to vmin. |
-vmax vmax | set the maximum value of the velocity scale to vmax. |
-wmin wmin | set the minimum value of the spectral width scale to wmin. |
-wmax wmax | set the maximum value of the spectral width scale to wmax. |
-phimin phimin | set the minimum value of the phi0 scale to phimin. |
-phimax phimax | set the maximum value of the phi0 scale to phimax. |
-emin emin | set the minimum value of the elevation angle scale to emin. |
-emax emax | set the maximum value of the elevation angle scale to emax. |
-vemin vemin | set the minimum value of the velocity error scale to vemin. |
-vemax vemax | set the maximum value of the velocity error scale to vemax. |
-wemin wemin | set the minimum value of the spectral width error scale to wemin. |
-wemax wemax | set the maximum value of the spectral width error scale to wemax. |
-p0min p0min | set the minimum value of the lag0 power scale to p0min. |
-p0max p0max | set the maximum value of the lag0 power scale to p0max. |
-gs | color ground scatter. |
-gm | mask out ground scatter. |
-keyp | plot the color key. |
-vkeyp | plot the color key for velocity vectors. |
-vecp | plot the example vector. |
-vsf vsf | set the vector scale factor to vsf. |
-vecr radius | set the radius of the circle at the end of the vector to radius. |
-logo | plot the logo and credits. |
-time | plot the time of the plotted data. |
-frame | add a frame around the borders of the plot. |
-over | the output plot will be overlaid on another plot, do not paint the background with the bacground color. |
-tl tlen | ignore the scan flag and instead use a fixed length scan of tlen seconds. |
-cn channel | for stereo mode data, plot channel channel, if omitted then both channels are plotted. |
-cp cpid | plot beams that contain the program identifier cpid only. |
-scan scan | plot beams that have a value for the scan flag of scan. |
-ns | ignore non-scan data (data with a scan flag of -1).. |
-s step | set the number of scans skipped between plots to step. |
fitacfname | filename of the fitacf format file to plot. |
inxname | filename of the index file. |
-old | file is in the fit format. |
fitname | filename of the fit format file to plot. |
-cfit | file is in the cfit format. |
cfitname | filename of the cfit format file to plot. |
-snd | file is in the snd format. |
sndname | filename of the snd format file to plot. |
-png | produce a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image as the output. |
-ps | produce a PostScript plot as the output. |
-xp xoff | set the X offset of the PostScript plot to xoff. |
-yp xoff | set the Y offset of the PostScript plot to yoff. |
-ppm | produce a Portable PixMap (PPM) image as the output. |
-ppmx | produce an extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) image as the output. |
-xml | produce an XML image representation as the output. |
-x | plot the data on an X-terminal. |
-display display | connect to the xterminal named display. |
-xoff xoff | open the window, xoff pixels from the left edge of the screen. |
-yoff yoff | open the window ypad pixels from the top edge of the screen. |
-delay delay | set the delay between frames to delay milliseconds, a value of 0 will pause the frame until a mouse button is pressed. Default: 0 |
-chisham | use the Chisham virtual height model. |