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ppmxd --help
ppmxd [-smooth] [-scale sf] [-check] [-bgcol rrggbb] [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] [name]

Displays an extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) on an X-terminal.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
-smoothsmooth the image.
-scale scalepercentage scale factor to display image at.
-checkplot the background as a chequer board.
-bgcol rrggbbset the background color of window to rrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 24-bit red,green and blue component color.
-display displayconnect to the xterminal named display.
-xoff xoffopen the window, xoff pixels from the left edge of the screen.
-yoff yoffopen the window ypad pixels from the top edge of the screen.
nameimage filename. If this is omitted the image will be read from standard input.

Displays an extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) on an X-terminal.

The image file is displayed in a window on the terminal. Clicking a mouse button in the window will terminate the program.

ppmxd inp.ppmx

Display the PPMX file inp.ppm on the X-terminal.

ppmxd -check inp.ppmx

Display the PPMX file inp.ppm on the X-terminal using a chequer-board background to indicate the degree of transparency.