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mlteval --help
mlteval [-d yyyymmdd] [-t hr:mn] [-l mlon] [-fmt format]
mlteval [-f filename] [-fmt format]

Find Magnetic Local Time (MLT).

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-d yyyymmddcalculate for the date yyyymmdd.
-t hr:mncalculate for the time hr:mn.
-l mloncalculate for the magnetic longitude mlon.
-fmt formatuse the string fmt, to format the output.
-f filenameread a sequence of dates, times and longitudes from the ASCII file, filename.
-old_mltuse old MLT procedure rather than v2.

Calulates Magnetic Local Time (UTC) for a given Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) and magnetic longitude. The output is written to standard output using the formatting string given by the "-fmt" option. The format string should be in the same format as that used by the printf function and will take one double precision floating point number as an argument.

If the "-f" option is given, the time and longitude are read from a space separated ASCII file. If the filename is "-" input is read from standard input.

mlteval -d 19990406 -t 00:30 -lon 75.0

Find the MLT for 0 degrees magnetic lognitude at 00:30UT on April, 6 1999.

mlteval -f mlt.txt -fmt "MLT=%f\n"

Find the MLT for the times and longitudes in the file "mlt.txt", format the output using the string "MLT=%f\n".